Falafular at Ginko Modular Fest 2017
From 9th till 11th June we will be represent during the annual Dutch modular meet in The Hague. This event will be full of diy modular manufacturers, music, tech talks and workshops! We will bring Clawbell, Lord Have Mersey, Tumbadora, VATclap, Accenturist, R1Gslew, Corny Rhythm mkII and our latest product the ProQuencer. For more information about the festival please check their website www.ginkomodularfest.com
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Todays press
Elektronische geluiden voeren boventoon in De Toonzaal tijdens FAQLAB Synthmeeting DEN BOSCH – De Toonzaal vormt op deze zaterdag het decor van de FAQLAB Synthmeeting. Een evenement met uiteenlopende componenten op het gebied van elektronische klanken dat enkele keren per jaar op de bewuste locatie plaatsvindt. Op een zelfgebouwde synthesizer demonstreert Paul van Twist uit Kerkdriel een substantieel deel van het beschikbare klankenpalet. Dat doet hij in de foyer van het muziekcentrum. ,,Ik gebruik geen filter, waardoor de klanken puur zijn. Zonder dat ik zelf muzikale aspiraties heb, vind ik het interessant om allerlei mogelijkheden te verkennen. Aan de andere kant: om extra inspiratie op te doen, bezoek ik soms een concert. Zo heb ik ruim een maand geleden Jean Michel Jarre nog aan het werk gezien in de Heineken Music Hall”, doet Van Twist uit de doeken. Op een steenworp afstand buigt Martijn Verhallen uit Nijmegen zich over zijn modulaire synthesizer die verschillende functieblokken bevat. Zijn verbazing is groot als hij ineens een nieuwe drummodule in zijn ‘kist’ aantreft. Geschonken door een collega. ,,Leuk is dat we elkaar zo nu en dan proberen te helpen. Het feit dat hier een inimini elektronica rommelruilmarkt aanwezig is, komt het gemeenschapsgevoel ten […]
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MASK at Modular Day Barcelona!
We are happy to announce that we’ll be selling some stuff at the 3rd Edition of Barcelona Modular day! Hangar Saturday September 24, 2016 10: 00hrs / 24:00 http://modulardaybarcelona.org/#informacion
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MASKmagazine #1
Dedicated to profiling the modular synth DIY community. The MASKmagazine had its debut at the Incubate DIY conference in 2015 and is made by Das Ding. Its the official magazine of the Maandag Avond Soldeer Club. A soldering club run by Falafelbiels who is known from the awesome Falafular Modules. Drop a line to get a hardcopy for just € 4,- (excl. shiping and handling)
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ADE SoundLab DIY Workshop
17 october 17:00 – 19:00 | Free entrance Compagnietheater | Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam Falafular is the SDIY brand that enables Falafelbiels (Niels Kloet) to build himself a fabulous modular synthesiser. While SDIY seemed the way out of continually buying new modules for the growing and highly addictive Eurorack, it turned out that the components and tools cost money as well, reducing potential saving to just about nothing. Right now Falafular offers PCBs and front panels for Eurorack projects including drums based on the classics, sequencing and utilities. Falafular is also on a mission to persuade tinkerers around the world to adopt SMT or Surface Mount Technology, originally developed for robots, it allows circuit boards to be ever more compact, allowing more modules in the same space, which is a good thing…..but bring your magnifying glass… CANCELLED!
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ADE SoundLab Modular Market
15 – 17 october 12:00 – 19:00 | Free entrance Compagnietheater | Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam Falafular Synths Falafular is the SDIY brand that enables Falafelbiels (Niels Kloet) to build himself a nice and big modular synthesizer. Niels was always a tinkerer and at 6 years old he even won first prize in a tinkering contest with a magnificent cardboard merry-go-round; aaaaah those were the days…Times have changed and the tinkering has gotten more serious. While SDIY seemed the way out of continually buying new modules for the growing and highly addictive eurorack, it turned out components and tools cost money as well, saving you just about nothing (maybe a little bit more). Fortunately the aim was never to get rich off this (get serious!), just to make a wonderful synthesizer. That seems to work out! Also there is something to be said about building stuff yourself, it feels good and you might even learn something. Other companies that will feature at The Modular Market are: Abstract Data, Erica Synths, Ginko Synthese, KOMA Elektronik, Moog, Roland Free entrance CANCELLED!
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Incubate DIY Synth Convention
From synths the size of a pocket-calculator to fully stacked Euroracks; modular synthesizers are quickly gaining popularity. More and more musicians are creating their own hardware nowadays, in a quest for more creativity and authenticity, and a unique live experience. This year Incubate will organise a Do It Yourself synth fair in the centre of Tilburg. A place where synth geeks from around the world show and demonstrate the fruits of their labor and teach you how to create your own. An instrument fair meets pop-up store where one can buy ánd build the most original, creative modular synths. Next to the fair there will be workshops, presentations and a panel discussion. DIY Synth Convention is a celebration of the DIY synth phenomena. It allows festival-goers, artists and passers-by to experience the creativity, beauty and fun of DIY electronics. More than 20 small companies and individual synth-builders will partake in the fair, like: KOMA, DIRTY ELECTRONICS/MUTE SYNTH, 4MS, SNAZZY FX, BEFACO, ERROR INSTRUMENTS and many more! Thursday September 17th – Sunday September 20th 2015 Opening hours: 14:00 – 21:00h For all participants and workshops, please visit: http://incubate.org/2015/215/diy-synth-convention
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